Panther Canyon


Panther Canyon Trail begins near the headwaters of the Comal Springs which are fed by waters of the Edwards Aquifer emerging within the Balcones fault zone. The trail ascends the Balcones Escarpment into the Edwards Plateau under the shade of oaks, Ashe juniper, cedar elm and under-story trees including Mexican buckeye, kidneywood and Texas persimmon. 

The trail crosses a dry creek bed of an ephemeral stream that only flows during or immediately after a rain. The trail covers over 49 acres and is home to many native plants and wildlife. The gently sloping pedestrian trail leads visitors approximately eight-tenths of a mile through the Balcones Escarpment. Hikers should allow at least 1.5 hours for the 1.6 mile round trip hike. 

Landa Park Drive and Ohio St.

Open from 6 a.m. until midnight.


We work to create trails connecting communities and providing opportunities for education, health, preservation and enjoyment of the natural resources in Comal County!